The plot of Saint Seiya begins in 1986, [1] spanning until 1990, [2] and follows a group of five mystical warriors called Saints as they battle in the name of the goddess Athena against agents of evil ...
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, marked by a pioneering spirit, an indomitable will and dynamism. A fire sign, Aries bring on the heat in relationships (and all other realms of their lives ...
Aries and Cancer seem different on the surface. One's a pioneering fire sign, the other is known as a nurturing water sign. Actually, though, the two cardinal signs have strong backbones and ...
Aries and Gemini are a natural fit when it comes to zodiac compatibility. Aries, a fire sign, is known for being bold and taking charge. Gemini, an air sign, prefers to win people over through ...
If you’ve been living on autopilot recently, now is a good time to recenter yourself and focus on your tasks and priorities without worrying about the future, as it is yet to come. This is a ...
Should you find yourself bellying up to a bargaining table, soften the Aries aggressiveness and do your best impersonation of a peaceful negotiator. Also on Sunday, love planet Venus shimmies into ...
It’s okay to take your time on your journey, Aries. You don’t always need to feel like you must rush ahead to accomplish a specific goal. Often, you learn more when you simply allow yourself ...
Venus transit will make you charming, so get ready to attract the crowd as well. Aries natives who are single will also have the closest opportunities to find someone special, but this is not the time ...
Aries experienced a transformative decade filled with challenges and new opportunities. They faced obstacles in their early years, which led to significant personal growth. Around the midpoint ...
Confidence is important. But sometimes it's hard to know whether genuine optimism or wishful thinking is driving us onwards. As Saturn and Uranus realign, once-clever solutions might produce more ...