Waggoota 35 hojii aartii keessatti kan dabarse Artist Geetaachoo Haayilamaariyaam, walleewwan darbee darbee waltajjiiwwan ...
Sirboota jaalalaas haa qabaatan malee irra caalaan sirboota ... Keessattuu himata ‘ijoollee qubee Afaan oromoo barsiiftuufi WBO deegartu’ jedhuun yeroo garaagaraas hidhamaa turan. “Yeroo tokko ...
Koreen Giddugaleessa TPLF Dr Dabratsiyoon G/Mikaa'eelin durfamu, Pirezidaantii bulchiinsa yeroo Tigraay Obbo Geetachoo Raddaa dabalatee qondaalota olaanoo 16 hojii siyaasaa paartichaarraa dhorkuu ...
Independent news and stories connecting you to life in Australia and Oromo-speaking Australians. Ease into the English language and Australian culture. We make learning English convenient ...
Are you ready to learn some advanced grammar? Let Dan and Sian explain how to master English Grammar in these videos.
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA) Millions of Ethiopians from all over the nation turned out in the early morning today to smash their own planting record by planting 600 million seedlings today.