Emphasis is on how a country’s relations to the rest of the world influence aggregate economic activity, employment and inflation and forms the scope for monetary and fiscal policy. Included in the ...
4 timer forelesninger og 2 timer øvelser per uke. Forelesningene vil være en kombinasjon av ordinære forelesninger og veiledet prosjektarbeid og oppgaveløsning. Eksamen Mappeevaluering samt muntlig ...
Dersom emnet undervises på engelsk vil det bare tilbys eksamensoppgavetekst på engelsk. Du kan besvare eksamen på norsk, svensk, dansk eller engelsk.
Det arrangeres utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester for studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen. Det arrangeres ny eksamen for studenter som ikke består ordinær eksamen.
I dette emnet vil studenten sammen med en veileder utforske og rapportere om et tema innen digital økonomi og ledelse. Oppgaven som skal utføres vil vanligvis ha en praktisk del der studenten skal ...
The course is an introduction to principles and practice of the design of distributed systems. The course covers fundamental models for distributed systems, distributed middleware with the focus on ...
To apply you must document that you are already proficient in Norwegian. Please note that we do not offer preparatory Norwegian language courses prior to admission. For more information regarding ...
The course provides an overview of the relationships between climate and ecology, with a focus on climate-related feedbacks within boreal, alpine and arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Through the program ...
The class on Economic Dynamics and Uncertainty trains the student in dynamic economic thinking, intertemporal trade-offs, optimal and behavioral aspects of choice, and responses to uncertainty and ...
The course gives an introduction to Radar Remote Sensing. You will learn about electromagnetic wave propagation and interaction with natural materials, like surface and volume scattering models. You ...
The course provides a thorough introduction to modern evolutionary science, with an emphasis on phenotypic evolution, life history theory, adaptation, speciation and macroevolution. Mathematics R2 was ...
This course provides an overview of behavioral economics. Behavioral economics incorporates descriptively accurate assumptions about cognitive ability, social interaction, moral motivation, and ...