Waggoota 35 hojii aartii keessatti kan dabarse Artist Geetaachoo Haayilamaariyaam, walleewwan darbee darbee waltajjiiwwan ...
Independent news and stories connecting you to life in Australia and Oromo-speaking Australians. Ease into the English language and Australian culture. We make learning English convenient ...
Kaayyoon keenya Afaan Oromoo Finfinnee keessatti akka guddatudha ... Sirba cidhaa fi aadaa kaanis hojjetaa ture,'' jette. Jireenyaan sirboota aadaa, hawaasummaa fi siyaasaan beekama.
Nama aartii Afaan Oromoo, keessattuu koomeedii jaallatuufi hordofuuf maqaan Sorsaa jedhu haaraa miti. Artist Sorsaa Lammiin ogeessa aartii qoosaawwan (hojiilee koomeedii), fiilmii, sirboota, ...
Finfinnee, Sadaasa 07/2023 – Magaalaa Finfinnee keessatti barumsi Afaan Oromoo akka hin barsiifamneef qaamolee fedhii siyaasaa addaa qabaniin dhiibbaawwan hedduu godhamaa turu dandamatee kan itti fufe ...
With the sources at our disposal, it is not difficult to establish the pre-sixteenth century Oromo presence within the medieval Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, more appropriately identified as the ...